Candela Gentle Max Pro

Candela Gentle Max Pro is a dual wavelength laser platform, combining the fastest, powerful laser with extremely high performance in the efficiency and speed of treatment, ease of use and patient safety. Candela Gentle Max Pro is a consolidated system that provides a range of treatments:

  • Epilation
  • Eliminating wrinkles
  • Rejuvenation
  • Skin firming
  • Tattoo removal
  • Removing pigmental changes


Laser or permanent epilation is a medical, non-invasive and most effective method of permanently removing unwanted hair. Beautiful and smooth skin without unwanted hair is desire of many people who do not want to depilate or shave every day.

Newly developed, revolutionary and No. 1 in the world - CANDELA GENTLE MAX PRO laser solves this problem in an efficient, fast and painless way.

Who is candidate for permanent laser epilation?

Laser epilation must not be performed in patients who have epilepsy, vitiligo, lupus or other autoimmune diseases of the connective tissue or people who have built-in pacemaker and pregnant women.

Women are most likely to epilate: groin, armpit and legs. Treatments in these regions are also recommended as therapy in case of follicle inflammation - roots of hair with the formation of purulent ulcers on the skin that leave ugly stains. Laser epilation is also not dangerous in the armpit, groin and breast area, as the laser beam penetrates only a few millimeters below the surface of the skin and the glandular structures are deeper. Men will most often epilate the neck, shoulders, back, arms and chest.

Are there any side effects?

There are no scars and stains, the skin becomes smooth and beautiful, positive aesthetic effect is obtained, which is very important for every woman and man. Laser epilation CANDELA Gentle Max Pro laser is a harmless method and there are no absolute contraindications after treatment.

For additional questions and information you can contact us at: +382 68 331 333 or e-mail:



Laser treatment of pigmentary changes by laser Candela Gentle Max Pro.

Pigmentation disorders are changes that can occur on the skin of the whole body. They develop during life, but also this change can be present even from birth. The protective pigment that occurs in separate cells - melanocytes, protects us from the harmful effect of UV rays, more precisely, the core of the skin cells. The synthesis of that pigment is a very complex process. The synthesis disorder leads to the fact that our skin in certain places is not uniformly pigmented. The biggest disturbances are face spots, sunny spots, aging spots of melasma or cloazma, acne spots ...
Different types of lasers can reduce or completely remove different shapes of spots and stains. Duration of the treatment effect depends on the type of laser, as well as the type of pigmentation that is removed.
Our laser belongs to the most efficient and most effective lasers designed to remove pigments. It removes pigment without any skin damage. It is the therapy of choice for aging and sun spots and all localized deep pigmentations.

Laser for this treatment

Call us at +382 33 687 227, +382 68 331 333Appointment