Everyone has to be aware that a quick one-week losing weight diet is neither successful nor healthy. Meals must be low-calorie, but biologically valuable. That's why is important that food is diverse. There is no magic wand, so pills, teas and other promotional products that promise a slimline even if you eat what you want and how much you want, you should accept with utmost caution. In practice it has been shown that most of these preparations are not effective and some can be harmful to health.
On the other hand, popular magazines offer the most diverse diets which successfully remove kilograms, but they are not always harmless to health. Besides, quickly lost kilograms are quickly returned and sometimes doubled. It is better to opt for a good reduction in the diet in which the skin is thin gradually, the most 4-5 kilograms per month. The easiest way to do this is by introducing a small amount of food into a diet, and starting with a "healthy" diet that will allow you not to feel hungry, to be in good shape and to achieve and maintain the desired look.
Before you start any diet you need to know that at first the weight decreases rapidly, but not because of the loss of fat, which is why we are obese, primarily because of the loss of water. Because of this, the weight loss is not permanent, because the fat starts to decompose only in the second and third week of the diet and then we lose weight, although slower, but it is because of binding of water in the body, not fat.

This is one of the reasons why the promises of rapid weight loss are deceptive, because the true result can be achieved in only 3 ways:

• healthy and mixed low calorie food,
• changing eating habits and changing food content,
• increasing physical activity.


It is important to know that people who are prone to obesity must be prepared for a radical change. This requires a strong will, a lot of patience and of course, determination. In order to maintain weight, they do not have to starve, but to keep the rules of healthy eating for the rest of their lives. It is also important that they try to maintain a moderate physical activity, in which a certain amount of calories is lost and this improves the fitness and physical resistance of the organism. But certain rules should be known: for losing weight, it is better to take longer walking, slow running or swimming, because it is determined that by walks or running fats burn, while glycogen is consumed from rapid, fast and stressful movements.

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